Attendance is a high priority for Lodge Farm Primary School. All school staff will work with pupils and their families to ensure each pupil attends school regularly and punctually.
We understand that children are sometimes ill and will need to stay at home. If your child is going to be absent, please ensure that you contact the school on 01902 928900 or e-mail by 9am to let us know. Failure to contact the school will result in you being contacted by the Attendance Team. Where necessary, a home visit may also be required which is in line with our safeguarding and attendance policy.
Should you have any questions regarding attendance or you would like to discuss how we may support you in ensuring your child attends school regularly, please telephone or e-mail the school office for an appointment with Mr Fergusson (Attendance Leader) or Miss Rollin (Attendance Officer).
For more information from the Local Authority about attendance please click on the link below.
Promoting good attendance
Lodge Farm Primary promotes good attendance in a variety of different ways. This may include:
· Half termly and yearly certificates
· Stickers
· Celebratory assemblies
· Non-uniform day or extra play for the class with the best attendance.
Lessons start promptly at 8:50am and if your child arrives at school after 8:50am (without prior arrangements having been agreed) they will be marked late. Arrival at school after 8:50am through the office will be marked as a late mark and could be recorded as an unauthorised absence.
Being late to school can have a considerable impact over the whole school year.
Leave of Absence Request
Leave during term time is strongly discouraged due to the disruption caused to the educational progress of individual pupils.
In the exceptional cases where a decision is made to authorise leave during term time, parents/carers are reminded that this is only for the period in question at the time and so it should not be assumed that authorisation will be granted for any future request.
Where a period of unauthorised term time leave is taken, whether this has been requested or not, please note that you may be at risk of a £80-160 per child, per parent fine from Walsall Local Authority.
Please note that new legislation for attendance states that if a child has 10 sessions of unauthorised absence (1 session = morning or afternoon session/10 sessions = 5 days) within a rolling 10 week term time period a penalty notice can be issued.
Useful documents
Attendance policy