SEN & Equalities Information
Lodge Farm Primary School adopts a 'whole school approach' to special educational needs. All staff work to ensure inclusion of all pupils. The school is committed to ensuring that pupils with special educational needs can fulfil their potential and achieve optimal educational outcomes.
Our aims for the children at Lodge Farm:
We, at Lodge Farm, are concerned with the whole education of the child. We hope, above all that each child will develop fully to his or her potential by providing equality of opportunity throughout the curriculumn. Our aim is to provide skills and knowledge for the children to understand the world around us and for use in adult life. We aim to develop young people who have experienced some success in school and have positive attitudes about themselves, and children who are becoming socially aware and will become caring members of the society.
Who are the best people in the school to talk to about my child's difficulties with learning/special educational needs and/or disabilities?
Special Educational Needs Coordinator:
Mrs. N. Lawrence-Beckles (Inclusion Manager and SENCO)
How will we support your child with identified SEND starting at school?
You will be invited you to visit the school with your child to have a look around and meet the SENCO . You will also be invited to an Induction Meeting in which details of your child's needs are noted, and in which you can ask questions relating to the school.
If other professionals or outside agencies are involved in supporting your child, a Multi-Agency Team (MAT) meeting may be held to discuss your child's needs and to share strategies that are used
Staff may wish to make a home visit
The SENCO and class teacher may wish to visit the current setting your child attends if applicable.
We may suggest adaptations to the transition period to help your child to settle more easily
The staff will closely monitor the progress the child makes and discuss this with you.
How can I let my child's school know if I am concerned about my child's progress in school?
If you have concerns about your child's progress you should speak to your child's class teacher initially. If the class teacher requires additional advice or support, they will contact the SENCO.
How else may a child be identified as having a specific SEND learning difficulty?
The teacher continually assesses the needs of all children in their class . Every child is formally assessed three times per year
Progress Meetings are held three times a year with teaching staff and the Senior Leadership Team. We discuss the progress of all children and identify any children who are not making their best possible progress. In addition to our ongoing assessment procedures we may deploy specialist assessment tools as appropriate. This could include: Wellcom, YARC or a specialist assessment from a visiting professional
The SENCO monitors progress of children and liaises with class teachers Interventions are then planned and set for the children. These are reviewed and if a child has not responded to the intervention, we will speak to the parents. If a child continually requires a significant amount of support and does respond to interventions and support from outside agencies, they will receive a SEN Support Plan. This document will outline the child's needs in preparation for an EHC Plan. A meeting will then be set with the parent and the SENCO and referrals to relevant outside agencies may be made.
How will the school let parents know if they have any concerns about a child's learning?
If your child is identified as having potential SEND, the school will set up a meeting to discuss this with you in more detail.
Initially the class teacher will speak to you to discuss concerns and to listen to any concerns you may have.
The school may suggest that your child needs some agreed individualised support in school. They will tell you how the support will be used and what strategies will be put in place.
If further investigating is needed, a meeting will be set with the SENCO who will discuss the next steps with you.
How does Lodge Farm measure my child's progress and how will I know?
Your child's progress is continually monitored by his/her class teacher
Their progress is reviewed formally three times per year
Parent consultations are held three times per year and your child's targets are then shared with you
Formal end of year reports are provided SALT targets are reviewed termly by the therapist and are shared with the parent/carer. If your child has an SEN support plan (Assess, Plan, Do, Review, we will review and set targets up to three times per year if your child has an EHC plan or a statement, they will receive an Individual Education Plan (Assess, Plan, Do, Review). This sets and reviews targets three times per year
The progress of children with an EHC Plan or statement is formally reviewed at an Annual Review with all adults, including parents, who are involved with your child's education
How will Lodge Farm Primary School support me as a parent of a child with SEND?
There are daily opportunities to talk to your child's class teacher after school. The SENCO is available to meet with you to discuss your child's progress or any concerns you may have. Meetings can be arranged with outside agencies who work with children with SEND, and they can offer you advice on how best to support your child at home.
Should you be unhappy with any aspect of your child's education, please discuss it with your child's class teacher in the first instance. Our complaints procedure is available from our school website.
A copy of the Local Offer for Walsall is available from: Walsall Local offer link
Parent Partnerships Support (Information Advice and Support Service) is available from:
Is Lodge Farm physically accessible to children with SEND?
The school is accessible to children with physical disabilities. We have a disabled toilet in the building. We ensure that high quality equipment is used and is accessible to all children regardless of their needs. The specialised provisions provide space for the identified needs for children with these difficulties eg workstations for children with ASD
Complaints procedure for SEND
The school follows a complaint procedure and this will be followed for any SEND complaints.
If you have a query or complaint regarding your child and their special educational need please initially talk to the class teacher/phase leader. This query will then be discussed and resolved or passed on to the SENCO.
If you feel this issue has not been dealt with sufficiently or you still need further advice please inform the Head teacher or governing body.
Should you require any further information about our SEND processes and provision, please contact your child's class teacher in the first instance.
Our SENCO (Special Educational Needs Coordinator)
Mr. R. Horton