Statement of Intent
Science should stimulate and excite pupils’ curiosity about phenomena, events of the natural world and why things happen the way they do. It teaches methods of enquiry and investigation to stimulate independent and creative thought. At Lodge Farm, we aim to provide a balanced and broad curriculum, which prepares children for an increasingly scientific and technological world.
At Lodge Farm five key threads of enquiry weave through the Science curriculum, broadening and developing pupils’ scientific skills: Comparative and Fair Testing; Research; Observations over Time; Identifying, Grouping and Classifying; and Pattern Seeking. These enquiry themes provide pupils with the chance to constant question and explore scientific concepts. As they are constantly revisited and developed, children deepen their skills in enquiry and develop the independence to pursue areas of curiosity.
Furthermore, we aim to:
· Develop pupils’ enjoyment and interest in Science.
· Use a range of investigations and practical activities to deepen an understanding of Science.
· Introduce pupils to a wide range of scientific vocabulary.
· Encourage children to be curious about Science and the natural world.
· Develop pupils’ independence when learning about Science and taking part in investigations.
· Deepen pupils’ understanding of how Science impacts them, their lifestyles and the world around them.
· Raise aspirations through the regular focus on influential scientists who come from a diverse range of backgrounds and historical periods.
Curriculum Drivers:
Long Term Plan:
Knowledge Organisers:
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