Religious Education
Statement of Intent
It is the intention here at Lodge Farm Primary school, when teaching Religious Education, that our pupils become able to explore wider issues of religion and belief. Walsall is a vibrant and diverse Borough and we aim for every child to develop an understanding of a range of religions and world views which will enable them to express insights and become a thoughtful and positive member of society.
RE Curriculum
We are committed to providing a broad and balanced curriculum here at Lodge Farm. RE is taught weekly and our teachers are dedicated to provide an up to date, balanced, inclusive and inspiring approach to RE. This curriculum allows us to make a major contribution to pupil’s awareness, appreciation and exploration of the British Values, religions and world views. This will enable children to build and develop their own views and identity and allow them to participate fully in our diverse society. We want the children at Lodge Farm to respect the views and rights of others and this is an integral part of our curriculum.
Walsall SACRE
At Lodge Farm, we follow ‘The Walsall Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education 2016-2021’. The Syllabus aims to promote understanding between all people and prepares the children and young people of Walsall for active citizenship in a diverse and rapidly changing world.
The aims of RE in Walsall:
Know about and understand a range of religions and world views.
Express ideas and insights about the nature, significance and impact of religions and world views.
Gain and deploy the skills needed to engage seriously with religions and world views.
Curriculum Drivers:
Long Term Plan: