Year 6 SATs

On Tuesday 28th January, we held a parent/carers meeting to help parents support their child through the Year 6 SATS assessment process. 

●SATs are the Standardised Assessment Tests that are given to children at the end of Key Stage 2.

●The SATs take place over four days, starting on Monday 13th May ending on Thursday 16th May.

●The SATs papers consist of:

○Grammar, punctuation and spelling (paper 1: GPS) – Monday 12th May

○Grammar, punctuation and spelling (paper 2: Spelling) – Monday 12th May

○Reading – Tuesday 13th May

○Maths (paper 1: Arithmetic) – Wednesday 14th May

○Maths (paper 2: Reasoning) – Wednesday 14th May

○Maths (paper 3: Reasoning) – Thursday 15th May

●Writing is assessed using evidence collected throughout Year 6. There is no Year 6 SATs writing test.

Please find attached the PowerPoint presentation which was shared during this meeting, along with some resources.