Safeguarding and Child Protection
Safeguarding is defined as protecting children from maltreatment, preventing impairment of health and/or development, ensuring that children grow up in the provision of safe and effective care and taking action to enable all children to have the best life chances.
This Safeguarding policy forms part of a suite of documents and policies that relate to the safeguarding responsibilities of the school.
“The behaviour within every classroom we visited was exceptional this morning. The children were extremely knowledgeable about different types of abuse, how a child may feel and who their safe adults are both within and out of school. Every child listened carefully and join in with the group activities. The children were polite, respectful and engaged throughout.” (Claire NSPCC)
Please click here to find assistance from the NSPCC regarding “Talking Pants” to your child
What do you need know regarding “Squid Game?” Find out more here
Visit for advice about how we can all play our part in keeping children safe.
We are delighted to have achieved the GOLD award for Safeguarding!
Well done to our Safeguarding team and all of our school community. Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility to keep our children safe. It is always our top priority.